Full tentative of CamPro 2011
Opening Ceremony + Talkshow: I'm Rock I'm Ok
well, Islam is for all =)
well, Islam is for all =)
The issue of palestine, not only the problem of palestinians, it is the issue of MUSLIMS all over the world, know in real what happen there? A sharing by Dr Syed Khaliq and special heart touching performance by Marsli N.O
Da'wah by any means, especially in this technological era, Muslims should be able to utilize each and every space possible in order to preach Islam, "Enhancing da'wah through technology" .. could you? =)
Hijrah, does not only means moving from one place to another, in Hijraturrasul, it not mere moving from Makkah to Madinah, it has numerous reasons why we should really know and understand what are the significance of the event(hijrah)....Spare your time for this kulliyah maghrib =)
Subhanallah, Islam never forbid entertainment, as long as it is not against the syari'ah, plus it bring us towards remembering Allah somemore, why not ... this is really worth =)
This is for sure exciting..insyaAllah .. be a good leader
Srikandi talk? is it only for sisters? NO!!..it is for both srikandi and mujahid.. wondering what will be discussed there? ...
What happened after Rasulullah s.a.w left us? The magnificent Era of khulafa Ar-Rasyidin? ..Many more interesting facts that you could find here.. It is all for you .. come come =)
Budget? what? is that has something to do with me? .. Do you think so?
Want to be the future leaders? ..not sure? .. after all, a good citizen should concern on anything that give impact to the country =)
review alone maybe 3 month, review together just one day.. =)..." You will be together with people you love" .. let us walk along the prophet trail, there's no better pathway to be followed other than his..Al-Habib Sayyiduna Muhammad Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam
Closing ceremony, it is the of CamPro 2011..but the da'wah, the effort to preach Islam, should be in every single second in our life .. insyaAllah
*Subject to change
Situasi >>
ReplyDeleteCommittees: "Kita set ja dalam jadual/poster/ banner 15min ke 30min awal dari waktu yang sebenarnya. Nak bagi depa datang awal biar nampak penuh sket hall baru leh stat.kalau x, malu la dengan speaker/VIP sbb awal2 xramai yang xdatang lagi. Kalau kita set on time , budak2 ni bukan datang on time pun.."
Audience: Dalam jadual tulis pukul 8.00 start talk. Kita solat dulu la, kalau pi awai pun , bukannya depa da stat pun..kene tunggu satg kang..baik solat isya` dulu.koman2 pun pkul 8.30-845 baru btui2 stat.
Speaker: hmm, kalo wat program kat universiti, lagu ni la depa.Baik datang lambat sket, biar ramai yang datang nnt.
*** hanya semata2 monolog yang direkacipta untuk menghidupkan atau menyelami mereka2 yang terlibat secara langsung atau tidak langsung. memang akan kene mengene kepada yang hidup.Peace (",)y
Pusinng2 hat tu gak la....baik student, komiti,speaker..Isu ini berlaku sepanjang 3 program CAMPRO yang da lepas. Realiti student mahupun staff campus uia semuanya Islam,tapi dari pengamalan benda yang asas: menepati waktu , sangat mengecewakan samada student, komiti mahupun speaker.
Benarlah kata Zainab Al Ghazali: " Islam terhijab dengan dengan orang Muslim"
Apa2 pun CAMPRO saya anggap sudah berjaya setakat ini.Dakwah peringkat demi peringkat.tapi hampa bermula dengan benda2 yang besar tapi tak berapa tekankan benda2 kecil seperti menepati masa. harapannya selepas ini benda yg nampak kecil ini pun ditekankan.
Akhir kalam, Tahniah bro! Tahniah Sis! Semoga Allah balas kamu dengan sebaik2 balasan.. =)
InsyaAllah sama-sama ambil perhatian =)
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